Physical Therapy Treatment for Lower Extremity Stress Fracture

Physical Therapy Treatment for Lower Extremity Stress FractureStress fractures most commonly affect bones that undergo mechanical fatigue. These injuries are common among athletes and military recruits. Lower extremity stress fractures are more common than the upper extremities. Female athletes are more likely to develop stress fractures than the males. Apart from the athletes, workers who spend their workday on hard floors are also at the risk of developing these stress-fractures.

What do we mean by Lower Extremity Stress-Fracture?

Stress fracture is a small crack in the bone which occurs when the bone is affected due to repetitive activities in a similar way over time. Due to stresses the normal process of bone breakdown and reformation also get changed. The stress fractures generally occur in weight-bearing bones of foot and lower leg.

How do the Stress Fractures occur?

When muscles lose their ability to bear shock of repeated stress and pounding due to fatigue and over exertion, the impact forces get transferred to the bones of lower extremity and feet resulting into small cracks or stress fractures to form in the bones. Because of being too small, these fractures are not initially visible on the X-rays. These fractures are more common in feet and legs because they bear weight during walking, running and jumping.

What are the causes of Stress-Fractures?

Trauma is the most common reason of stress fracture. Participating in sports or other high impact activities or falls result into such trauma. Apart from this, other common causes of stress fractures include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents, falls or crush injuries
  • Repetitive stress injury
  • Sporting Activities
  • Osteoporosis
  • Excessive impact physical activities with inappropriate rest
  • Sudden increase in physical activity
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Consuming more than 10 alcoholic beverages per week
  • Smoking
  • Low calories and vitamin D intake
  • Track (Running Sports)
  • Eating disorders and amenorrhea

What are the common signs and symptoms of Stress-Fractures?

Stress fractures commonly hurt when you walk, run or jump. With lower extremity stress-fractures you may experience symptoms like:

  • Sharp pain in a very specific point over the top of bone
  • Aching pain after activity
  • Swelling and tenderness at the sight of injury
  • Visible deformity of the bones
  • Feeling pain while moving ankle or foot
  • Decreased ability to walk or to bear weight on the affected leg

What type of Rehabilitation exercises can help to treat Lower-Extremity Stress Fractures?

Most commonly the stress fractures are treated by resting the leg. Your physical therapist may advice you to stop participating in the activities like: running or jumping for three weeks at least in order to begin healing process for bone. A complete and customized rehabilitation program would be designed to speed up your recovery. Your treatment program may include:

  • Range of motion exercises may be suggested to restore full movement of leg joints
  • Muscle strengthening exercises may be suggested to increase the shock-bearing potentiality of leg for future injuries. Muscle strengthening exercises are advised, also because stress-fractures result due to underlying weakness in the legs.
  • Specialized training exercises are suggested to educate you to respond to changes in the environment such as uneven or hard surfaces
  • Body awareness and balance training exercises may be suggested to help you to speedily return to your normal routine
  • When you are able to walk freely, your physical therapist may start over with functional training including slow and progressive weight-bearing activities. A unique training program depending upon therapist’s examination of your legs, general activity level and general health will be developed.
  • Considering your job or sports requirement; activity-specific training is also provided. If you need additional rehabilitation for your job or sport, your physical therapist may develop an individualized treatment program taking all these requirements into account.
  • Manual therapeutic techniques including; soft tissue massage and joint mobilization may be advised to restore normal joint mechanics and range of motion.
  • Home exercise program including: stretching, strengthening and stabilization exercises may be prescribed to help the person to perform daily tasks and to help the patient to progress to the next functional level.
  • Neuromuscular Re-education (NMR) may be advised in order to improve proximal joint stability, movement techniques and mechanics and to restore stability.

If you have suffered a workplace injury and seeking rehabilitative care as a part of your Workers’ Compensation benefits, Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center. Our trained and dedicated physical therapists will definitely help you to reduce your pain, restore strength and energy and improvise your function and mobility.

Tips to Improve Posture and Work Ergonomics

A congenial and comfortable work place makes all the employees feel best at their work. Over the time, poor work posture can cause and aggravate the episodes of back and neck pain and can even damage spinal structures. Proper work ergonomics and posture including; correct chair height, equipment handling and spacing make you comfortable at work and as well help you to be fit and healthy. But the good thing is that; the factors determining posture and work ergonomics are within your control and can be changed with a little practice.

Following guidelines can help you attain good posture and will educate you about proper work ergonomics at the work place as well:

  • Sitting Posture:
  • Make it sure that your back is properly aligned to the back of chair. Do not slouch or lean forward.
  • If you sit for long hours, be sure to sit in the ergonomically designed chair that is a custom fit and can support your back.
  • Sit with your shoulders straight in your office chair and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Do not sit in the office chair for long hours if even if it is an ergonomic office chair.
  • Standing Posture:
  • While standing, put weight on the balls of feet; not on the heels.
  • Put even weight on each foot and head, neck and shoulders should be in proper symmetry as well.
  • Do not lock your knees and stand straight with upright shoulders.
  • If you need to stand for long hours, shift weight from one foot to other or rock from heels to toes.
  • Posture while Lifting and Carrying:
  • Do not bend at the waist but always on your knees.
  • For lifting objects, use large leg and stomach muscles and not the lower back.
  • While carrying a heavy object, be sure to keep it close to the chest.
  • Switch arms, if you are carrying objects with one arm.
  • While carrying an object, avoid rounding shoulders or leaning forward.

So even with such a basic knowledge you can make your work environment healthy and take good care of your body and health and save yourself from developing musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Ergonomics guidelines for Work Stations
  • Make use of footrests, portable lumber back supports, or even a towel or a small pillow while sitting in an office chair, or on any soft furniture
  • Make use of purse, backpack and bags that are specially designed to minimize back strain
  • Wear corrective eyewear & position computer screens to your natural and resting eye position. This can help you to avoid leaning forward or straining your neck.
  • Everybody needs to understand that overall causes of injury due to bad posture are tensed muscles which in turn pull the body out of alignment. So at work, you should adopt the body posture which put minimum stress on ligaments, bones and joints. And also make use of appropriate work ergonomic techniques that save you from extra mechanical stress.

If you are suffering from workplace injuries and want to restore your strength, function and mobility and need to reduce pain, Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center. Our dexterous and certified rehabilitation experts work together as a team in order to get an injured worker back to his job as soon as possible.

What are the Common Types of Work-Related Injuries treated by Physical Therapists?

Most of the people are of the view that work-related injuries can occur only in labor-intensive jobs including factories, construction sites or zone workers. But reality is; that even the passive or sedentary office workers can have work-related injuries like; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, back or neck sprains, spine injuries or issues, ankle sprain and many more. So whether it is due to the negligence of employers or only by chance or bad luck, any worker at anytime can get affected by work-related injuries.

So if you get injured at work, it is important to seek the treatment from a certified physical therapist, in order to get back to work as soon as possible. Depending upon the nature of your job and different degrees of risks associated with it, you may suffer different injuries. If you suffer a neuro-musculoskeletal injury at work, it does not mean that you can never get treated. Even the most complicated musculoskeletal injuries can be treated by the physical therapists including:

Repetitive motion injuries: Such injuries are most common on-job injuries and can occur to any from the workers involved in the labor-intensive jobs like manufacturing and construction to office workers. These injuries can happen whether you type continuously, constantly lift heavy objects or operate a machine frequently; because such jobs require to repeat same motion throughout the working hours. Carpal tunnel syndrome, back, neck or shoulder strain, tendinitis, myofascial damage, cervical radiculopathy, de Quervain’s disease, Dupuytre’s Contracture, ganglion, rotator cuff strain are the most common repetitive motion injuries occurring at the job sites.

Ankle strain or pulled muscles: Such injuries happen when you trip, slip or fall and twist your body to defend yourself. Risk of such injuries increase at work because items may be left out or placed where they should not be, liquid could be spilled over the floor, you can slip or can fall if you rush without watching your steps. Such injuries can cause the deformities like; tennis elbow, muscle strain, shoulder myalgia, tension neck syndrome, radical nerve entrapment, thoracic outlet syndrome, epicondylitis, digital neuritis etc.

Overexertion Injuries: These injuries are more common among those involved in the shipping industry. Such injuries do not need repeated motions but even one occurrence or a single episode of lifting a heavy object can make you suffer from serve sprain or a pulled tendon. Overexertion injuries can occur in the form of falls, stuck-by events, crush injuries, strains and sprains and disc bulge etc.

Our caring and professional Physical Therapist at Advanced Work Rehab Center will evaluate, diagnose and thereafter work with you and take you step further towards your health and well being. Our physical therapists will customize a routine that will help you to recover quickly and as well will get you back to the work as soon as possible. Our Workers’ Compensation advantages are designed to protect you from lost wages while providing you the rehabilitative care you need.

Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center, if you have suffered a workplace injury and are seeking rehabilitative care as a part of your Workers’ Compensation benefits. Our trained and dedicated physical therapists will definitely help you to reduce your pain, restore strength and energy and improvise your function and mobility.