What are the Common Types of Work-Related Injuries treated by Physical Therapists?

Most of the people are of the view that work-related injuries can occur only in labor-intensive jobs including factories, construction sites or zone workers. But reality is; that even the passive or sedentary office workers can have work-related injuries like; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, back or neck sprains, spine injuries or issues, ankle sprain and many more. So whether it is due to the negligence of employers or only by chance or bad luck, any worker at anytime can get affected by work-related injuries.

So if you get injured at work, it is important to seek the treatment from a certified physical therapist, in order to get back to work as soon as possible. Depending upon the nature of your job and different degrees of risks associated with it, you may suffer different injuries. If you suffer a neuro-musculoskeletal injury at work, it does not mean that you can never get treated. Even the most complicated musculoskeletal injuries can be treated by the physical therapists including:

Repetitive motion injuries: Such injuries are most common on-job injuries and can occur to any from the workers involved in the labor-intensive jobs like manufacturing and construction to office workers. These injuries can happen whether you type continuously, constantly lift heavy objects or operate a machine frequently; because such jobs require to repeat same motion throughout the working hours. Carpal tunnel syndrome, back, neck or shoulder strain, tendinitis, myofascial damage, cervical radiculopathy, de Quervain’s disease, Dupuytre’s Contracture, ganglion, rotator cuff strain are the most common repetitive motion injuries occurring at the job sites.

Ankle strain or pulled muscles: Such injuries happen when you trip, slip or fall and twist your body to defend yourself. Risk of such injuries increase at work because items may be left out or placed where they should not be, liquid could be spilled over the floor, you can slip or can fall if you rush without watching your steps. Such injuries can cause the deformities like; tennis elbow, muscle strain, shoulder myalgia, tension neck syndrome, radical nerve entrapment, thoracic outlet syndrome, epicondylitis, digital neuritis etc.

Overexertion Injuries: These injuries are more common among those involved in the shipping industry. Such injuries do not need repeated motions but even one occurrence or a single episode of lifting a heavy object can make you suffer from serve sprain or a pulled tendon. Overexertion injuries can occur in the form of falls, stuck-by events, crush injuries, strains and sprains and disc bulge etc.

Our caring and professional Physical Therapist at Advanced Work Rehab Center will evaluate, diagnose and thereafter work with you and take you step further towards your health and well being. Our physical therapists will customize a routine that will help you to recover quickly and as well will get you back to the work as soon as possible. Our Workers’ Compensation advantages are designed to protect you from lost wages while providing you the rehabilitative care you need.

Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center, if you have suffered a workplace injury and are seeking rehabilitative care as a part of your Workers’ Compensation benefits. Our trained and dedicated physical therapists will definitely help you to reduce your pain, restore strength and energy and improvise your function and mobility.