Scaphoid Fracture

scaphoid_fracture_castScaphoid bone is most commonly fractured wrist bone and it usually gets affected when you fall on the palm of the hand. Gripping or squeezing the objects often worsens the pain associated with scaphoid fracture.

In case of scaphoid fracture, patients’ wrists are immobilized in a cast. Physical therapy treatment helps in achieving range of motion or mobility affected due to immobilization. Scaphoid fracture is particularly common among skate boarding or snowboarding sports as the person usually falls on hard surface during these sports.

Which type of rehabilitation exercises are advised for Scaphoid Fracture?

Casting for Scaphoid Fracture generally requires six to ten weeks; thereafter rehabilitation exercises can help you gain lost range of motion, but before you begin on rehabilitation exercises, you should make it sure that both the bone and soft tissue is fully healed. After your doctor feels that your Scaphoid bone is sufficiently healed, he will refer you to physical therapist, who would advise and administer wrist exercises. Following rehabilitation exercises would be advised to help you to regain the lost mobility:

Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening exercises including wrist extension or flexion are performed to build up muscles or bones that may have weakened during the treatment

Stretching Exercises: Stretching exercises are crucially important for rehabilitation after a wrist fracture as it helps increasing the range of motion. Stretching exercises like; wrist extension, wrist flexion or extension stretch is advised to rehabilitate your wrist.

Range of Motion Exercises: Range of motion exercises including bending your wrist or squeezing will help to reduce pain and stiffness as well. Other range of motion exercises involving movement of wrist up & down and back & forth can also help to improve immobilization.

Progressive Resistive Exercises: Progressive resistive exercises including functional activities and exercises strengthening the muscles crossing wrist may be employed.

Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center, if, you have suffered a workplace injury and are seeking rehabilitative care as a part of your Workers’ Compensation benefits. Our trained and dedicated physical therapists will definitely help you to reduce your pain, restore strength and energy and improvise your function and mobility.

Tips to Improve Posture and Work Ergonomics

A congenial and comfortable work place makes all the employees feel best at their work. Over the time, poor work posture can cause and aggravate the episodes of back and neck pain and can even damage spinal structures. Proper work ergonomics and posture including; correct chair height, equipment handling and spacing make you comfortable at work and as well help you to be fit and healthy. But the good thing is that; the factors determining posture and work ergonomics are within your control and can be changed with a little practice.

Following guidelines can help you attain good posture and will educate you about proper work ergonomics at the work place as well:

  • Sitting Posture:
  • Make it sure that your back is properly aligned to the back of chair. Do not slouch or lean forward.
  • If you sit for long hours, be sure to sit in the ergonomically designed chair that is a custom fit and can support your back.
  • Sit with your shoulders straight in your office chair and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Do not sit in the office chair for long hours if even if it is an ergonomic office chair.
  • Standing Posture:
  • While standing, put weight on the balls of feet; not on the heels.
  • Put even weight on each foot and head, neck and shoulders should be in proper symmetry as well.
  • Do not lock your knees and stand straight with upright shoulders.
  • If you need to stand for long hours, shift weight from one foot to other or rock from heels to toes.
  • Posture while Lifting and Carrying:
  • Do not bend at the waist but always on your knees.
  • For lifting objects, use large leg and stomach muscles and not the lower back.
  • While carrying a heavy object, be sure to keep it close to the chest.
  • Switch arms, if you are carrying objects with one arm.
  • While carrying an object, avoid rounding shoulders or leaning forward.

So even with such a basic knowledge you can make your work environment healthy and take good care of your body and health and save yourself from developing musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Ergonomics guidelines for Work Stations
  • Make use of footrests, portable lumber back supports, or even a towel or a small pillow while sitting in an office chair, or on any soft furniture
  • Make use of purse, backpack and bags that are specially designed to minimize back strain
  • Wear corrective eyewear & position computer screens to your natural and resting eye position. This can help you to avoid leaning forward or straining your neck.
  • Everybody needs to understand that overall causes of injury due to bad posture are tensed muscles which in turn pull the body out of alignment. So at work, you should adopt the body posture which put minimum stress on ligaments, bones and joints. And also make use of appropriate work ergonomic techniques that save you from extra mechanical stress.

If you are suffering from workplace injuries and want to restore your strength, function and mobility and need to reduce pain, Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center. Our dexterous and certified rehabilitation experts work together as a team in order to get an injured worker back to his job as soon as possible.

Welcome to Advanced Work Hardening Center

Advanced Work Rehab Center is one of the premier rehabilitation centers, evaluating and treating workers with on the job injuries while aiming at their quicker and safer return to work. We design cookie-cutter treatment programs depending upon the unique and specific needs of every injured worker. Along with treating your present injuries, we also provide educational programs to prevent re-injury.

At Advanced Work Rehab Center, we utilize a multi-disciplinary approach and provide a wide spectrum of industrial rehabilitation services including; Physical Capacity Evaluation, Work Conditioning and Work Hardening Programs, all designed to restore your pre-injury work and function level. Each injured worker receives one-on-one care i.e. an individualized rehabilitation plan is designed for each one of our patients.

Our certified and dexterous rehabilitation team is trained at various leading physical therapy programs in the country. Our skilled and experienced therapists work like a team to get the injured worker back to his job, as soon as possible. His rehabilitation process starts with a comprehensive evaluation program leading to pain management, strength or flexibility training and patient education.  Our staff utilizes real or simulated work activities to improvise the worker’s physical condition as well as to train him in order to prevent re-injury.

If you or your employee is injured at the work and you would like to avail the services of a state-of-art and industry-leading rehabilitation center, Contact Advanced Work Rehab Center.